Popular Color Combinations in Quilting
Both Quilts Plus and my personal Pinterest pages have extensive boards with quilts, quilting and blocks that are of interest right now. Pinterest is a great resource for ideas and inspiration - but I have to set the timer to make myself stop, or I'll be online all day!
Right now, I am seeing lots of great quilts that are using a few color combinations that seem to be quite popular:
I saw a beautiful quilt top today with a range of cool blues from navy to light blue with corals, spicy pistachio green and gray and white for backgrounds. Such a pretty combo!
Another pretty set is royal purple, bright spring green, fuchsia, aqua and white. Very fresh and clean.
Modern quilts in gold, grays from light to dark, and white are very visible out there, using circles and ovals in lots of ways. Solids and small prints have become very popular to work with as well, letting the color speak for itself in simpler ways.
Multi fabric quilts will always be popular, so try one with every color and shade you own! Contrary to that, two color quilts are still a classic way to go. The clean contrast will always have appeal.
What color combinations do you like best now? Either way you go - choose what you like best, and that will make for a beautiful finished product every time!